04:53 Popular
The Most Inappropriate Strip Searching On People
Added 2,283 Views / 0 LikesAirport security can be a tense place for many. Moving through busy, often crowded queues, unpacking then repacking your bags– even sometimes having to take off your shoes.
06:29 Popular
10 Inappropriate Messages Sent By School Teachers To Students
Added 2,264 Views / 0 LikesWatch10 School Teachers Who Sent Inappropriate Messages To Students.
03:39 Popular
[PRANK GONE WRONG] Flashing Sexy Girls At The Beach Prank!
Added 2,253 Views / 0 LikesPrankster goes out to the beach and started flashing until he flashed the wrong person. Watch how it all ended in this funny video. (c) FRIKK
06:07 Popular
Most Shockingly Extreme Body Modifications
Added 2,210 Views / 0 LikesIn today's video, we take a look into some of the strange and shocking modifications people make to their bodies. From cheek stretching to injecting ink into your eyeballs, from hanging by hooks to purposely scarring yourself, something in this list is bo
04:19 Popular
Meet The Giant 10 Month Old Baby
Added 2,205 Views / 0 LikesA baby in India has weighed in at an astonishing two stone 13lb (18.6kg) - the weight of an average six-year-old girl – after pilling on pounds aged just four months with a diet of curry and biscuits. (c) Barcroft TV
10:05 Popular
Five Shocking Fishing Moments Caught On Camera!
Added 2,195 Views / 0 LikesTerrifying fishing moments caught on Camera
02:18 Popular
Harmless Photos That Prove You Have A Dirty Mind
Added 2,173 Views / 0 LikesHere are some of the unintentionally dirty pictures that prove you may be less innocent than you think.
03:10 Popular
Best Funny Pool Fails
Added 2,141 Views / 0 LikesCompilation of some of the epic pool fails. Open those pools up, and watch some fails!
01:11 Popular
Lion Shows Tourists Why You Must Stay Inside Your Car
Added 2,134 Views / 0 LikesTourists hanging out of their car at a lion sighting. This lion felt threatened and barked at the tourists. If he had decided to attack, there wouldn't have been enough time to get in the car and close the window. SANPark's Rules: No part of the body may
04:48 Popular
Scariest Sea Monsters Caught While Fishing
Added 2,132 Views / 0 LikesTop 5 Biggest/Weirdest Fish And Creatures Caught In The Ocean (c) Lutch Green's Top 5
05:44 Popular
Man Selecting Countless Cobras for Circus
Added 2,121 Views / 0 LikesIn this video you can see this fellow is tossing Cobras all around while searching for a right one to join in the snake show.
05:12 Popular
Giant Animals That Actually Exist
Added 2,121 Views / 0 LikesWhen we think about exceptionally large animals, the few that immediately come to mind are typically the elephant, giraffe, whale, shark, etc. There are specific animals seen here, however, that have grown exceptionally large and giant compared to their s
09:59 Popular
Amazing Girl Uses PVC Pipe Compound BowFishing To Shoot Fish In Cambodia
Added 2,092 Views / 0 LikesThis Is Video I Want To Show You About Amazing Girl Uses PVC Pipe Compound BowFishing To Shoot Huge Fish At Siem Reap Cambodia.
03:02 Popular
Funny Mean Animals
Added 2,077 Views / 0 LikesProof that animals can be mean in some occasion.
05:28 Popular
VIDEO: Shocking Real Animal Mutations
Added 2,053 Views / 0 LikesThere are recently people who have increasingly interested in different mutations in animals, some for scientific purposes and some just for fun you will now see ten of the most shocking and unbelievable mutations in animals.
02:37 Popular
The Incredible Indian Snake Girl Who Lives With Most King Cobra
Added 2,038 Views / 0 LikesMost children are scared to death of snakes but one 11-year-old Kajol Khan from India fearlessly refers to the scaly reptiles as her 'best friends'!
05:37 Popular
10 Things Most Humans Can't Do With Their Body
Added 2,034 Views / 0 LikesCheck out the top ten strange things only unusual humans can actually do with their bodies.
08:28 Popular
Special Fish Trapping System
Added 2,032 Views / 0 LikesNew Fishing Technique Trap Using 10 Bottles & 10 Hooks To Catch Alot Of Fish (c) Cambodia Wilderness Channel
06:12 Popular
Bizaare Teens You Won't Believe Exist
Added 2,022 Views / 0 LikesYou might look back at your teenage years as being one of the more awkward, challenging phases in your life, but these next few teenagers are living something else entirely. Here are a few more teens you won’t believe exist.
05:37 Popular
Added 2,020 Views / 0 Likesyou will be amazed at how fearless these Cats are...
01:50 Popular
Vietnamese Man Sleeps with Dead Wife for Five Years
Added 2,015 Views / 0 LikesWe’re not sure whether to find this tale sweet, or shocking. This man from Vietnam’s Quang Nam province missed his wife very much when she died. But what happens when grief turns into obsession? For 20 months after his wife’s death, Le V
03:57 Popular
Lions Treat Woman Like the Leader of their Pride
Added 2,011 Views / 0 LikesThe staff at a Seaview Predator Park in South Africa are using a unique method to try and get the public to care more about animals.
07:40 Popular
World's Most Dangerous Tourist Destinations
Added 2,011 Views / 0 LikesToday, we have prepared a list of the most thrilling and dangerous locations in the world. If you’d like your holiday to come with a side of danger, these places are just for you. Otherwise, steer well clear! (c) Serious Delivery
06:58 Popular
People Who Were Addicted To Bodybuilding
Added 2,010 Views / 0 LikesAstonishing video on people who were addicted to bodybuilding…mind boggling…. (c) TheRichest
00:28 Popular
Lawn Mower Fails
Added 2,001 Views / 0 LikesThe throttle got stuck on this guy's electric lawn mower.
02:21 Popular
Added 1,991 Views / 1 LikesAlthough, aggressive traits are in the nature of these dog breeds, proper nurture can play a huge role in turning them into loving and loyal companions.
02:14 Popular
The School Teacher that Got Impregnated By Her 13 Year Old Student...really???
Added 1,982 Views / 1 LikesThe school teacher that got impregnated by her 13 year old student....awkward
06:19 Popular
These People Should Have Gone To The Dentist Alot Sooner
Added 1,974 Views / 0 LikesHere is a list of 10 people who have gone to see their dentists alot sooner. (c) TomoNews US
02:23 Popular
Meet India's Amazing Stunt Couple - Or Just Crazy Couple?
Added 1,944 Views / 0 LikesBarmy Bhramaramba lets her husband Balashankar Budati smash and slice coconuts, tiles, tube lights and blocks of ice across her body.
04:29 Popular
Friendly Puppies And Babies Playing Together
Added 1,944 Views / 0 LikesTwo of the cutest things in the world are puppies and babies. Here are them playing together in all their adorableness!
01:11 Popular
Weird Exercises People Didnt Think Would Work But Effective
Added 1,943 Views / 0 LikesWork your booty from all angles and make it pop with these exercises. An intense workout that will bring your muscles to full fatigue while keeping your heart rate up! (c) COMO TREINAR
00:46 Popular
Helpful German Shepherd Helps Carry Kitten Upstairs
Added 1,921 Views / 1 LikesA friendly German Shepherd carried a small kitten up the steps after the cat struggled to get up.
01:15 Popular
Snake Bite, Leading To Amputation
Added 1,911 Views / 0 LikesA horrific snake bite caused a young girl's leg to shrivel and turn completely black after venom caused severe necrosis – the premature death of cells. (c) TomoNews US
03:27 Popular
Top 10 Dog Breeds From Asia
Added 1,902 Views / 0 LikesUnique and beautiful, it's easy to see why these Asian dog breeds are a treasure. (c) ViralBe
06:03 Popular
10 Oddest Couples You Won't Believe Exist
Added 1,873 Views / 0 LikesWe all like to judge relationships. Age, height, hotness, almost every parameter has the potential to make a couple gossip-worthy. Can you believe the following 10 odd couples are real? We sure did not when we first laid our eyes on them.
03:30 Popular
Amazing Alligator Attempting To Eat A Turtle
Added 1,871 Views / 0 LikesTurtle power: Reptile shell withstands attack as alligator fails to crack its shell. (c) Tim Harrell
01:36 Popular
600 Pound Woman Gives Birth To 40 Pound Baby
Added 1,868 Views / 0 Likes600 Pound Woman Gives Birth To 40 Pound Baby A 600-pound lady has given delivery to a 40-pound baby at Perth’s King Edward Memorial Hospital, an evidence breaking weight that could perhaps compose the newborn the biggest baby ever born, reports the
01:24 Popular
Huge condor bird returns to say ‘THANK YOU’ to the farmer who SAVED its life as a Baby
Added 1,862 Views / 0 LikesThis man rescued a condor bird that had fallen from the nest when he was just a hatchling. Now, every now and then, the colossal bird returns to see the man and give him a really big hug! What a majestic animal!
02:26 Popular
A Saber-toothed Cat Puppet Struts Across Wilshire to the La Brea Tar Pits
Added 1,855 Views / 0 LikesPedestrians and office workers in Miracle Mile thought they saw a prehistoric cat walking along Wilshire Boulevard last week. They were mostly right. The slinky, smilodon fatalis puppet, formerly a fixture at the Natural History Museum, was making its way
00:49 Popular
Massive Newfoundland Thinks He's A Tiny Lap Dog
Added 1,853 Views / 0 LikesThis Newfoundland dog named Boss is such a loving dog! He loves to give lots of hugs and kisses to his family but I don't think he realizes how big he actually is. He climbs on top of his owners lap and gives her a big hug. She returns the hug right back
04:47 Popular
VIDEO: 10 Men You Wont Believe Are Real
Added 1,851 Views / 0 LikesSome people on earth are different from us, perhaps being different makes them normal. We have created a list of 10 incredible men with unbelievable physical characteristics. Some are popular for their strength, some for weakness and some for their choice
04:54 Popular
Bodybuilders That Took Bodybuilding To The EXTREME
Added 1,837 Views / 0 LikesІt іs gооd tо tаkе уоur саrееr sеrіоuslу, but whаt іf thіs zеаl mаkеs уоu sо mаd thаt уоu lооk dіffеrеnt frоm nоrmаl реорlе? Here аrе fеw реорlе whо tооk bоdуbuіldіng tо аn ехtrеmе. (c) Worlds Biggest
10:08 Popular
Man Grills Eggs in Banana Tree
Added 1,829 Views / 0 LikesCambodian man grills eggs using a banana tree. (source) kihala
01:12 Popular
Heartbreaking Video: Elephant Asks For Help After Being Shot
Added 1,823 Views / 0 LikesThe animal, named Pretty Boy, was shot close to Mana Pools National Park in Zimbabwe. Had the bullet hit him 5cm lower, he would have been killed, experts have revealed. It is thought he was shot three to six weeks before he was seen by vets. DrLisa Marab
01:03 Popular
Lizard Greets Human like a Dog!
Added 1,814 Views / 0 LikesA huge lizard hurriedly comes to its human owner.
05:11 Popular
VIDEO: Dogs Protecting Babies In Danger
Added 1,811 Views / 0 LikesWill dogs instinctively protect children?
05:41 Popular
Epic Zoo Fails
Added 1,807 Views / 0 LikesThere's a reason why wild animals are enclosed at zoos, but some people choose to test the theory themselves. (c) Wacky Universe
06:06 Popular
Added 1,803 Views / 1 LikesTo bodybuilders, being strong and havingan impressive physique are some of the most important qualities in the world. This means that some body builders will resort to extreme measures to achieve these things no matter the cost.
01:46 Popular
Honey Collector Uses Bare Hands To Put Thousands Of Bees Down His Shirt
Added 1,792 Views / 0 LikesIf you suffer from melissophobia, or the fear of bees, this video is definitely not for you. It shows professional honey collector Suk Mahammad Dalal tapping a massive nest of bees without any protective gear. Incredibly, he then stuffs handfuls of the in
01:07 Popular
Babies Cuddling With Dogs
Added 1,773 Views / 0 LikesEven though this Pit Bull isn't the mom to 1-year-old baby Cruise, she sure acts like it, caressing the baby as the two nap together at home. Cruise's dad, Jarad, who breeds American Bully dogs, a type of Pit Bull believes that his two sons are safe aroun
01:49 Popular
World's Biggest Rabbit
Added 1,773 Views / 0 LikesAt 4ft 4in (1.3m) and 22.2kg, Darius is currently the biggest rabbit in the world, but he may not hold that title for much longer, because there’s a new pretender – his son. Jeff is 3ft 8in (1.1m) and has about 6 months of growing left, so his
01:53 Popular
Amazing Kids Cook Eels For Lunch
Added 1,731 Views / 0 LikesToday i want to show you about two amazing kids cook eels for lunch in Cambodia. (c) 7D Daily
02:10 Popular
Ghost In The Toilet
Added 1,729 Views / 0 LikesPranksters set up hidden camera in the toilet to scare people.
05:18 Popular
Pranks That Ended In Death
Added 1,725 Views / 0 LikesPranks that went way too far. (c)TheRichest
02:25 Popular
Meet Freddy, The Biggest Dog In The World
Added 1,722 Views / 0 LikesTake one look at Freddy the Great Dane and your reaction would have to be bow wow... wow! That's because he's the World's Biggest Dog - who stands at 7ft 6in on his hind legs.
00:57 Popular
[VIDEO] Man Falls Into Meat Grinder
Added 1,715 Views / 0 LikesMan was reportedly fell into a large meat grinder while it was in operation. Another worker activated an emergency switch to stop the equipment, but it was too late. After arriving at the business, firefighters confirmed the worker was dead and immediatel
03:39 Popular
[PRANK] Ripped My Pants!
Added 1,715 Views / 0 LikesEver been out in public and didn't realize you ripped your pants? Hopefully not! (c) ButtingHeads
04:50 Popular
One Of The Most Dangerous Jobs In The World
Added 1,704 Views / 0 LikesAlbert Killian, also known as the snake whisperer,shares his small home with 60 of the world's most deadly reptiles.
01:22 Popular
Adrenaline Junkies Have Snake Massage in The Philippines
Added 1,698 Views / 0 LikesThe massage is FOUR giant burmese pythons laid on top of your body as you lay down. In total these pythons weigh as much as 440 pounds (200 kilograms) and are about 20 feet long; But despite their size, they seem pretty friendly. The snakes are so big tha
01:13 Popular
Rare Two-Headed Snake Found In Croatiao
Added 1,695 Views / 0 LikesThe unique looking grass snake was found by retiree Josip Vranic in his garden in Kravarsko, Croatia, a small town just outside Zagreb. (c) Barcroft Animals
05:41 Popular
Unbelivable Photos You Won't Believe Actually Exist!
Added 1,695 Views / 0 LikesMost Unbelievable Photos you won’t believe exist! (c) Top 5 Best
03:50 Popular
Added 1,693 Views / 0 LikesPoor Shayna went for over a year with this condition before it was properly diagnosed. One doc thought it was reaction to a steroid for an asthma attack. Another thought it was psoriasis.Finally, Shayna was taken to John Hopkins to meet with the Medical M
00:34 Popular
Affable Orangutan Babysits Tiger Cubs
Added 1,683 Views / 0 LikesAn affableorangutanat theMyrtle Beach Safari and Preservein South Carolina, playsthe role of loving nannyto a trio of adorable but rambunctious baby tigers who in turn, seem to be having a wonderful time with theirsimianbabysitter. (c)
01:35 Popular
Two Abandoned Puppies Won’t Stop Hugging Each Other
Added 1,673 Views / 0 LikesStraight from the harsh streets ofHo Chi Minh City, Vietnam, pictures of two puppies have gone viral – for good reason. They clung onto one another, trembling and scared of human touch for fear that a pair of human hands would drive them apart. For
03:51 Popular
Wow! This Is Much Scarier Than Horror Movies
Added 1,672 Views / 1 LikesA mix of urban climbing and extreme sports.
00:53 Popular
Dad Does CRAZY Snowboarding Tricks With 3-year Old Daughter
Added 1,670 Views / 0 LikesCoolest dad ever, and former extreme snowboarding champion, Steve Klassen takes his 3-year-old daughter on the tandem snowboard ride of a lifetime and performs plenty of impressive tricks. (c) Going Viral Top Videos
01:12 Popular
Added 1,662 Views / 1 LikesHere is what you should do if in case you see dogs or animals for that matter inside vehicles.
Is that Chewbacca giving birth? see for yourself
Added 1,653 Views / 0 Likeswomen is chewbacca while giving birth
04:14 Popular
10 Strangest Ocean Phenomena You Won't Believe!
Added 1,647 Views / 0 LikesFrom lost civilizations to strange noises and bizarre creatures, there's so much out there to discover and to learn. Here are 10 Bizarre Ocean Phenomena You Won't Believe Are Real.
02:12 Popular
The Real-Life Wolfman
Added 1,646 Views / 0 LikesMan has integrated himself into a wild wolf pack by barely washing and eating only meat. Shaun is teaching his new wife how to live amongst a pack of wild wolves!
02:01 Popular
Girl Born Without Legs Stuns As Lingerie Model And Athlete
Added 1,637 Views / 0 LikesWhen Kanya Sesser was just 1week old, her parents abandoned her at a Buddhist temple in Thailand. Kanya was born with no legs. The monks at the templetook care of herfor two years before she was adopted and later, brought to Portland, ORin America. With e
05:01 Popular
BLIND MAN DROPPING $1,000,000 PRANK!!-Social Experiment
Added 1,630 Views / 0 LikesWatch how people react to a blind man dropping a huge amount of cash.
04:42 Popular
Man Gets Pregnant, Delivers A Bouncing Baby Girl After Transition
Added 1,630 Views / 0 LikesAfter nearly a decade of living as a man Kayden Coleman was surprised to learn that he was going to have a baby. (c) nollygrio
01:38 Popular
232 Teeth Removed From 17-Year Old Indian Boy’s Mouth
Added 1,625 Views / 0 LikesAs reported online by various Indian newspapers, ear, nose and throat surgeons at a hospital in Mumbai have removed 232 teeth from the mouth of a 17-year-old boy. Surgery revealed that an abnormal growth affecting the right mandibular second molar had led
02:18 Popular
The World's Shortest Woman
Added 1,624 Views / 0 LikesMeet Jyoti Amge,The Smallest Woman In The World!
03:24 Popular
Mysterious Photos That May Never Be Explained
Added 1,620 Views / 0 LikesThe following 10 photos and videos have experts completely baffled, leaving no definitive explanation in their wake.
00:18 Popular
[SCARY] Snake Goes Into Man's Bag
Added 1,614 Views / 0 LikesBloke opens school rucksack to discover ENORMOUS deadly snake staring back at him (c) Bokijeve Avanture
06:56 Popular
10 Shocking Cases of Family Relationships
Added 1,613 Views / 0 LikesNext to murder one of the largest taboos in society is being involved in an incestuous relationship from mother and sons, fathers and daughters and brothers and sisters, we are told having relationships with our family members can land you behind bars, th
02:14 Popular
Angry Hippo Saves Then Crushes an Antelope
Added 1,613 Views / 0 LikesWe have seen a lot of footages about other animals helping other animals of not their kind but let’s face it, what is wild will always be wild. A FACE-OFF between a pack of wild dogs, an antelope and a hippo reveals the gruesome but realistic side o
01:40 Popular
Starved and Scared Dog is Completely Transformed By Love
Added 1,611 Views / 0 LikesSeverely neglected and starving dog transformed by love and given a new life.
03:13 Popular
Real Tiger Attack Stunt
Added 1,610 Views / 0 LikesFearless Randy Miller, 45, has trained big cat Eden to leap 15 feet and pile-drive him into the ground in an inch-perfect fake tiger attack.
02:25 Popular
Video: World's Tallest Dog
Added 1,609 Views / 0 LikesZeus was the father of the gods in Ancient Greece, and his namesake, a 3-year-old Great Dane from Otsego, Michigan, USA, can today be referred to as the "father of the dogs" as he is announced as the Tallest Dog Ever. (c) Guinness World Records
04:06 Popular
Brave Man Plays Snake in Mouth and Kisses It
Added 1,608 Views / 0 LikeshshCambodian brave man plays snake inside his mouth and kisses it. (source) Kihala
06:29 Popular
Animals Hugging Their Human Friends
Added 1,606 Views / 0 LikesAnimals can all be affectionate and show surprising tenderness when it comes to expressing their love and appreciation for people. An emotional animals hugging humans videos compilation. (c) Why World
04:22 Popular
EXTREMELY VIRAL: This Lucky Guy Married And Built A Family With This Gorgeous Woman And Everyone Can
Added 1,600 Views / 0 LikesCouples selfie goes viral this young husband and wife became a trending topic after the wife posted a selfie together with her husband and baby, this Southeast Asia couple consider by many social media users as a "hotness mismatch" in this part of the wor
03:28 Popular
Most Extreme Female Bodybuilders
Added 1,592 Views / 0 LikesTaking female bodybuilding to new extremes. For the most part, bodybuilding and fitness is a male dominated world. But that doesn’t mean women aren’t appreciated as well. Yet, despite the fact that there is inclusion, people still can’t
02:16 Popular
Sea Lion Drags Girl Into Water
Added 1,585 Views / 0 LikesA sea lion was captured on video dragging a young girl into the water at a wharf in Richmond, B.C. In the video, posted to YouTube by Vancouver’s Michael Fujiwara, the sea lion surfaces near the dock at Steveston Fisherman Wharf, and swims about loo
01:58 Popular
Cat Miraculously Rescued After Surviving Long Drive Stuck In Car
Added 1,582 Views / 0 LikesVitaliy Bouranin didn’t notice anything different about his Toyota Land Cruiser as he left on a business trip in Russia. Aftertraveling around 50 miles at speeds of over 80 mph, he decided to stop for gas, and that’s where things started to ge
04:43 Popular
Mysterious Creature Caught On Camera
Added 1,581 Views / 0 LikesStrange creature caught on video during Japan tsunami. Watch closely.
02:37 Popular
Protecting The World's Deadliest By The Highest Venom Snakes
Added 1,574 Views / 0 LikesIt is so dangerous for that man who catching the cobra snakes by his direct hand like that, it has high venom and seriously dead when it was bites.
02:50 Popular
Feeding Piranhas In A Brazilian River
Added 1,567 Views / 0 LikesAmazing footage shows frenzied piranhas devouring a bull's head as it is held in the water by a (very brave) local .
05:21 Popular
Horrifying Places Real People Got Trapped
Added 1,563 Views / 0 LikesWe hope you don't suffer from claustrophobia, because we are gonna show you 7 incredible places where people got trapped.
00:35 Popular
Seven Person Boat Crash
Added 1,557 Views / 0 LikesAll seven passengers in a speedboat on the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri were injured after their vessel hit a large wake. The camera facing inward from the bow of the boat captures footage of the family jolting with the wake at first, holding on for sta
05:56 Popular
World's Most Dangerous Roads
Added 1,550 Views / 0 LikesWorld’s most dangerous roads! These are some of theroads you would never want to drive on! (c) Factnomenal
03:46 Popular
Amazing Videos All Must See!
Added 1,547 Views / 0 LikesUnbelievable events caught on cam. Please like and share our videos. Subscribe to our channel for more amazing videos, photos and to get regular updates. Follow us on:
06:51 Popular
Is This The World's Strongest 3 Year Old Ever?
Added 1,543 Views / 0 LikesThere’s a debate that goes on between people, especially parents, about how young is too young to start having a kid train in fitness. Well it looks like this father pushed the debate to a whole new level having his daughter train like a BEAST at on
04:53 Popular
[VIDEO] Fitness Motivation
Added 1,542 Views / 0 LikesRipped bodybuilders video. (c) Muscle Factory